Another Saturday Night Story: Why Such Oddities?


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Why Such Oddities?

Little kids should not be allowed in the airports. Specifically the baggage claim areas. There are a hundred passengers waiting for their baggage, standing right next to the luggage carousel. Why do parents think it is so cute for little Johnny to be up next to the carousel sticking his fingers in and out between the conveyer belts? In all of my travels, little Johnny is always there.

Who has been running the business? The accountants and lawyers have failed corporate America with lying, cheating, and stealing. Your 401K program was supposed to be the answer to a failing Social Security System. Now it’s worth squat. With all that said, isn’t it time to hand the business back to the Sales Department, and let them take care of the customer, as it should have been long before now, and was years ago. It’s funny how things come full circle.

When my Dad died, I watched him take his last breath. He died in his own fluid, as most people do. The oddity of coming in this world submerged in fluid, only to be taken out of this world in the same manner. God Bless Him!

I find it odd that in the north states the American flag is prevalent. Not just small flags, but huge flags. Flags fly at most businesses. This is prior to any war or September 11 attack of the WTC. You just don’t see that many flags being displayed in the south. There is an imaginary line that separates the north and south, and the east and west. Kearney, Mo., separates the north and south. This was also the hometown of Jesse James located just north of Kansas City. Columbia, Mo., separates the east and the west. East of Columbia, the people talk deliberately through their nose and it gets worse the further east you go.
Do you know of some of these Oddities, which you have encountered? If you do, send them to me and I will post on a later Blog.
Song of the Week
This song goes out to my sister Abigail and Frank. She lived in New Orleans for awhile, and then they moved up North a little. It is much quieter where she is now. There are no abandon cars, broken water pipes, and street lights that don't work. This is one of my favorites, by Otis Clay "Since I've been Loving You".
Have a Good Week

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